Lamech Sigu
2 min readMar 28, 2022


The best thing in life is often on the other side of fear.

Well what does fear do? to make it simpler fear robs you,fear exposes you, fear……you know right actually the list is endless.I know what fear does having tested it and losing some part of adult life through fear: Fear of speaking up, fear of rejection, fear of failure, fear of change, fear of being normal, fear of standing up to yourself, fear of saying no, fear of saying yes, fear of love, fear of pain, fear of joy, and it doesn’t stop at that.One can lose his or her entire adult life through fear.

Fear actually plays a huge role in nearly everyone’s life.Beacuse fear can hold you hostage you can barely do nothing other than making excuses.I remember this one time I stammered on my first time doing a presentation and that was it!!! Trying to syke my self up but no! fear had the best part me from that day.But we all have fears.

But all this fears are understandable, especially when you are actually driven by past experiences.I asked myself this question what’s the worse that can actually happen: being laughed at, rejected, embarrassed, isolated…ehh yeah! at some point but one will forget about it and move on with their lives.Actually the other day was COVID 19 and today is Ukraine war who knows what tomorrow will be?


Fear only holds us not to see our potential to succeed beyond: to network, to socialize, to become the odd one out, to change, to explore life, to have something new….how might life look if we push through this fear? I have started the journey of being fearless for the better part and I urge you also to join me in this pursuit of removing the shackles of fear and seeing what has life hold for us.

The best thing in life are often on the other side of Fear.Thats where true freedom lies:in our weakest point, our challenges, our struggles and our fears.Just like one said “what would you do if you weren’t afraid? That’s when you find happiness in pushing through fears

“Do the thing you fear to do and and keep doing it ….. That’s the quickest way and the surest way ever yet to discovered to conquer fear"(Dale Carnegie) ✌️✌️✌️



Lamech Sigu

Child of God exploring his magnificent Creations.....